Monday, October 3, 2016

Team Hooman

As this is the end of Hooman Appreciation/Team Hooman Anniversary, I wanted to share what this community means to me.

I started out actively watching Ryon's stream just over a year ago. I had been off and on, but one particular day I was feeling really low and thought I'd pop in and just be an anonymous viewer. I don't think I had been in the stream 5 minutes before Ryon said "Butter-cup-er-ica is in the house" and then the chat started greeting me. I wasn't as anonymous as I had planned. And that was actually ok for once.

You see, I've always been pretty good at being nobody. The chunky girl that tried to fade into the crowd to avoid the bullies. The geeky girl who never really fit at work, at school, or pretty much anywhere else.

In Team Hooman, you have a very hard time hiding. People are welcoming, friendly and supportive. I can say without hesitation, that at anytime, I can count on my hoomans to be there when I need a bit of encouragement.

When my mom passed away this year, so many hoomans were there to offer me consolation, virtual hugs and tons of less than 3.

I look forward the streams and to talking to everyone in the chat. I look forward to conversations on Twitter.

I don't yearn to be anonymous in Team Hooman. I want to a part of things.

I want to thank all the Hoomans. Thank you all for making me feel welcome. Thank you for renewing my faith in communities and friendships. Thank you for being amazing.

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