Monday, August 24, 2015

Back to school?

As some of you may or may not know, I have been going to school since forever to finish my degree and get my registered nursing license. I have thus far only been able to attend part time, while I worked full-time. I am proud of the progress I have made and I am fairly close to finishing. I registered for classes as usual last April. 

Then things got really crappy for me health wise. I knew I had an auto-immune disorder. What I didn't know was which one and how much harder things were going to get for me physically.

Now I am facing some pretty serious choices, with no time to really think about them. 

I'm not sure how many people are aware of or appreciate how demanding, physically and mentally, being a nurse is. Twelve hour shifts are typical and there is a dirty little phrase in the field called "mandatory overtime". When you sign your paperwork for pretty much any nursing gig, there's a little page in there somewhere that says that you HAVE to work overtime if the need arises. If you refuse, you could lose your license and potentially face criminal charges for patient abandonment. Add in the fact that nurses work really hard caring for people who can be rude, abusive, violent or just plain uncooperative, and then you have your cases that just break your heart.

Okay okay, I knew all of this when I started down this path. I was perfectly aware and prepared for this. I was prepared before Scleroderma. 

Now I am looking at being so close to finishing a degree that I very well may not be able to use. Where I am now physically, there is no way in hell I could work a 12hr shift on a hospital floor. 

At the same time, I am so far from any other degree and I am not interested in anything else. 

So, what do I do? I have come way too far to not graduate. I will be a college graduate. But do I really get a degree for something I may not be able to keep up with? Do I switch horses now and have to back track to get a different degree?  Either way my college loans are not going to be easy to pay with a check from disability if I can't work at all. 

For now, I am going to stay the course and keep working towards my original goal. I am worried, I am unsure, but I don't know what else to do. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon. Or maybe I'll win the lottery. That would work too.

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